Keynote – Communication, Educational & Related Considerations, Part 1

Quick Overview

This keynote speech discusses the importance of communication, education, and inclusion for individuals with Angelman Syndrome. The speaker emphasizes the need for high expectations and a vision for the future, as well as the importance of membership, participation, and inclusion in the community. The speech also highlights the limitations of standardized testing and the benefits of authentic assessment and feature matching when evaluating individuals’ capabilities and needs. The overall message is to prioritize communication and education for individuals with Angelman Syndrome and to ensure their full inclusion in society.


This talk is a transcript of a keynote speech given by Aline Brown, Executive Director of the Angelman Syndrome Foundation, at the 2015 ASF Family Conference. In her speech, Brown discusses the importance of communication, education, and related considerations for individuals with Angelman Syndrome. She highlights the exciting developments in research and encourages attendees to take advantage of the resources and networking opportunities available at the conference.

The Largest Educational Gathering

Brown begins by expressing her excitement at seeing so many attendees at the conference, which she describes as the largest educational gathering specific to Angelman Syndrome in the world. She emphasizes the importance of learning from both the sessions and the families in attendance, and encourages everyone to make the most of their time at the conference.

The Journey of Dr. Stephen Calculator

Brown introduces Dr. Stephen Calculator, a renowned expert in communication in Angelman Syndrome. She shares how she first met him at a conference in 1993 and highlights his significant contributions to the field. Dr. Calculator shares his journey of becoming involved in Angelman Syndrome and the impact it has had on his career.

Communication, Education, and Related Considerations

Dr. Calculator discusses the interconnectedness of communication and education for individuals with Angelman Syndrome. He emphasizes the importance of high expectations and encourages attendees to think big and encourage others to do the same. He also highlights the need for membership, participation, and inclusion in all aspects of life for individuals with Angelman Syndrome.

The Role of Inclusive Education

Dr. Calculator discusses the importance of inclusive education and the need for schools to have a philosophy that values and includes all students. He emphasizes the need for collaboration between general education and special education teachers and the importance of meeting the educational needs of all students.

Presuming Competence

Dr. Calculator challenges the notion of standardized testing and encourages attendees to be wary of its limitations. He advocates for authentic assessment that reflects real-world skills and needs. He also discusses the concept of presuming competence and the importance of not underestimating the abilities of individuals with Angelman Syndrome.

Thinking Beyond Today

Dr. Calculator encourages attendees to think beyond the present and envision a successful future for their children. He emphasizes the importance of having a vision and setting high expectations for their child’s education and future. He also discusses the need for ongoing assessment and intervention that is tailored to the individual’s capabilities and needs.


Dr. Calculator concludes his keynote speech by highlighting the importance of authentic assessment, feature matching, and technology in supporting communication and education for individuals with Angelman Syndrome. He encourages attendees to make the most of the conference and take advantage of the resources and expertise available.

For more information, visit the Angelman Syndrome Foundation website.

Talk details

  • Title: Keynote – Communication, Educational & Related Considerations, Part 1
  • Author(s): Stephen Calculator
  • Author(s)’ affiliation: University of New Hampshire
  • Publication date: 2015-08-19
  • Collection: 2015 ASF Family Conference