Invitation to form Corporate Partnerships

We know that a cure for Angelman Syndrome is possible and with more resources scientists can find it sooner.

FAST UK would love to offer a corporate partnership to your organisation. Brave, bold and ESG-focussed companies (big and small!) who want to change the world – we need you!

From employee fundraising to bespoke programmes and tailored events – we would love to hear from you. Have a look at FAST UK brand new corporate fundraising pack and reach out to us.

You can start small from organising a charity quiz night/donating every n-th sale to FAST UK to becoming FAST UK ambassador and dreaming BIG by organising an event with FAST UK. ❤️

Join us to discuss how your company can get involved with FAST UK at our free Corporate Partnership Webinar. Register below today.

Please share this page as widely as possible, including Heads of Communication, Big Picture teams or whoever works with charities in your organisation.

In the meantime, check out FAST UK Corporate Partnership page and get inspired by watching FAST UK video.

Your support means a cure for Angelman Syndrome in our lifetime. Let’s make it happen together sooner!