Upstream Treatments
I’m going to start by talking about the upstream treatments. The upstream treatments are mostly those that we refer to as genetic treatments as well. And these upstream treatments have two main categories. One is genetic therapy or gene therapy. And the other one is those that aim to unsilence the paternal copy.
Gene therapy
We’ll start with gene therapy. What happens here is that we are aiming to introduce a normal copy of the UBE3A gene in the neurons, so that then the cells – the neurons – can produce the UBE3A protein that is missing. We are using viruses as the delivery system. These viruses are modified in the lab, so are not pathogenic anymore. The sequences in their genetic material that make them pathogenic are replaced by the UBE3A gene that we want to introduce into the neurons. Then we inject a lot of these viruses carrying the UBE3A gene via a needle into the spinal fluid of the patients. And then these viruses find a way and actually infect, in a positive way, the brain cells. The brain cells recognise the UBE3A part of the genetic material and produce the protein.
This has already been tried in animal models, in mouse models of Angelman Syndrome, and the first proof of concept happened in 2011.
I know that it’s a bit unclear how this can be inserted into the spinal fluid of the patients. There are several ways. The one that is the most common is by injection using a needle in the lower back, and that’s a process which is called intrathecal injection. It’s also referred to as a lumbar puncture which is very commonly used in clinical medicine, and also for diagnostic purposes.
Cell therapy
There is another type of gene therapy, which is called cell therapy. And in this case, what happens is that the patient’s cells are modified outside of the body of the patient. Cells are collected from a patient’s vein. And then the gene is inserted into the cells in the lab using viruses. Then the cells that are infected are transfused back into the patient. They then find their into the brain, because they are programmed to do so. And since they have the normal copy of the gene they produce the protein and they give the protein to the neurons.
So with this type of therapy, it is not just one drug or just one institution or one company that produces the therapy. There are several programmes, and not all of them are in the same phase. Not all of them use the same exact gene or not all of them have used the same virus for the transinfection. But we can’t yet tell which one is better. That’s why it’s good that we have a lot of developments going on. The one that’s had the most progress is very close to being in Phase 1. This type of therapy has not been tried yet for Angelman Syndrome but is approved for another type of rare paediatric disease.
Antisense Oligonucleotides (ASO)
Then the other big category is those drugs that can unsilence the paternal copy and the largest category of drugs are the antisense oligonucleotides, which are already in clinical trials being tested with Angelman Syndrome patients.
The paternal copy is silenced in the nervous system, and that happens because of a long molecule that actually blocks the gene. The antisense oligonucleotides are small sequences that are complementary to this long molecule that blocks the paternal copy. When we inject antisense oligonucleotides in the patient’s spinal fluid, they find their way and they hybridise with this long molecule that blocks the paternal gene and they degrade its part and this allows the paternal gene to produce that protein that is missing from the neurons. So in this type of treatment, we actually intervene in the genetic material that already exists in patients.
ASO in Clinical Trials
This type of treatment is already in clinical trials, and we have two. One is an antisense oligonucleotide produced by GeneTX and Ultragenyx – that’s in Phase 1/2. It’s mostly we’re aiming to assess the safety, but also the preliminary efficacy. The patients that are going to be included in this clinical trial are patients who have a maternal deletion, aged between 4 and 17 years, and the treatment is going to be delivered via a lumbar puncture. It’s taking place in the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.
And then we have the second one produced by Roche, which is in Phase 1, and it’s all also for patients who have a maternal mutation or deletion between 1 and 12 years old. And it’s also with a lumbar puncture again. This trial is taking place in United States, Netherlands, Italy and Spain.
What’s important to know right now is that the big difference between gene therapy and antisense oligonucleotide is that, we don’t know for sure but we expect that, the gene therapy will probably require a less frequent redosing compared to antisense oligonucleotide.
Other Upstream Treatments
There are also several other treatments that currently are being prepared, which also aim to unsilence the paternal copy and this includes the topoisomerase inhibitors, which are already approved as a treatment for cancer. The CRISPR/Cas technology which is also known as “genetic scissors”, and the Zink Fingers.
I’ve made a table because I know that it’s difficult to get a grasp of all the different upstream therapies. And I’ve tried to show you where we are currently, in which phase of development. At the moment we have the antisense oligonucleotides, which are the most progressed in clinical development and they are between Phase 1 and Phase 2. The gene therapy and cell therapy programs, which are basically both gene therapies, are very close to Phase 1 but are not yet there.
There are many different programmes, but not all of them are at the same stage of development. I’m just showing generally, per category, the most progressed programme and where it is at the moment. We also have topoisomerase inhibitors, CRISPR/Cas9, the Zink Fingers which are at the preclinical stage. And then we also have three extra categories aiming to treat the UBE3A deficiency which are not yet at the preclinical level, which means that they have not yet been tried in animal models. These are enzyme replacement therapy, small RNA and small molecules.
The enzyme replacement therapy is in concept similar to the gene therapy because we are aiming to introduce the protein that is missing in the neurons, not with the virus this time, but directly infusing the protein in the nervous system. The RNAs are also similar in concept with the rest of the therapies that aim to silence the paternal copy. They just use different delivery systems.
Downstream Treatments
Now, I’m going to talk about the Downstream Treatments, those that we could also call symptomatic treatments.
So these treatments are not aiming to treat the cause of Angelman Syndrome, the UBE3A deficiency,
but act at lower levels of the pathology of Angelman Syndrome.
- They address symptoms, such as epilepsy
- Not all are directly targeting Angelman Syndrome
- They can be helpful for all different genotypes of Angelman Syndrome
- Gaboxadol OV-101 was discontinued last December. It was a neural compound to improve tonic inhibition.
- CGI-I-Angelman Syndrome scale was used – a 7-point scale assessing patient’s condition in five key areas (sleep, motor function, communication, etc)
Current needs
- Objective and cross-comparable measures
- Meaningful outcome measures for different domains
- Biomarkers – digital or lab-based objective markers of the disease
- This leads to better design of clinical trials, accelerated approval processes, compensation by Health Systems after approval
Key messages
- Different drugs might benefit different genotypes
- Genotypes not eligible at early phases might be eligible at later phases
- Current mouse models are only deletions, that’s why trials begin from deletions
- Currently, developments are in phase I/II which assess mostly safety and tolerability and to a lesser extent efficacy
- Genetic therapies have different advantages and disadvantages
- A combination of different genetic therapies or genetic therapies + downstream treatments might potentiate the effect
- Participation in natural history studies or other biomarker studies.
Therapies in preclinical and clinical development for Angelman Syndrome
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