Social media channels update

Update. Follow us on your favourite social media

Very recently we have added Twitter and LinkedIn to our social media channels. As FAST UK ramps up activities, it is more important than ever to expand our audience base to give an opportunity to the supporters to share our publications and raise awareness about Angelman Syndrome and FAST UK.

You may have also noticed that we’ve also added YouTube to the list. This is of particular importance as we are planning to start posting our own videos soon too.

And of course, our existing Facebook page and Instagram remain our key ways of communication with the community and the wider world. And since we’re on the topic of social media platforms, we also have a private  Facebook group, please join.

Please subscribe, like, comment, retweet and reshare, help us spread the news and updates.

🔔Don’t forget, later this week there will be an important webinar about upcoming clinical trials. Details and joining information are here.